Manual Installation

The table below shows the list of the Windows Installer Packages (MSI) for each of the components in the User Workspace Manager suite, which you can run manually on the host computers. The list is organized per product and includes details about which components require a reboot of the host computer after installation.

When installing User Workspace Manager products manually, you must ensure that all required technologies and User Workspace Manager components are added. A list of required technologies and components is available in the Prerequisites.

Installation File




Installs the Application Control console for creating configurations to deploy to managed computers hosting the agent.



Installs the Application Control agent on managed computers. When a configuration is installed, the agent implements the configuration rules.



Installs the AM Web Service used for Privilege Discovery to monitor applications that use administrative privileges to run. When installed and configured, the service collates data and allows you to create configurations based on the Privilege Discovery Results report.



Installs the Performance Manager Console for creating configurations to deploy to managed computers hosting the agent.



Installs the Performance Manager agent on managed computers. When a configuration is installed, the agent implements the configuration rules.



Installs the Environment Manager Policy and Personalization individual or combined consoles for:

Creating configurations to deploy to managed computers hosting the agent

Configuring the Personalization database.

For users with a Support Console role, the console opens in read-only mode. For further information, see the Environment Manager Support Console help topic.



Installs the User Virtualization Service on managed computers. When a configuration is installed, the agent implements the configuration rules.


Installs the Personalization Server, which synchronizes user personalization settings between the SQL database and the managed computer.

Must be configured using the Server Configuration Portal.



Installs the Environment Manager Administrative Tools, which are a range of standalone tools to assist administrators when working with the Personalization Database and creating configurations. The tools run independently from Environment Manager and all other User Workspace Manager products.



Installs the BatchConfig tool, so the tool can be used without the need to install the whole EM console.

See the Environment Manager Policy Help for details.



Installs the Management Center Console, which provides an interface to the Management Server and the other components of the Management Center.


Installs the Management Server, which manages data access and storage, security control, network discovery services and software deployment to managed endpoints, resource management, and auditing.



Installs the Deployment Agent to manage communications between the product agents and the Management Center.

Environment Manager Console Variants

There are three variants of the Environment Manager console:

  • Personalization - Installs only the personalization element of Environment Manager
  • Policy - Installs only the policy element of Environment Manager
  • Both consoles - Installs the combined console; both personalization and policy are installed.

When you use the User Workspace Manager Installer to install Environment Manager, the combined Policy and Personalization Console is installed. Administrators may not require access to both. For example, they may only be responsible for configuring personalization and have no need for the policy side of the console. If installing the console manually via the EnvironmentManagerConsole.msi you have the option to install the Personalization or Policy console.

Manually Install an Environment Manager Console

  1. Double-click the installer appropriate to the operating system:
    • EnvironmentManagerConsole32.msi
    • EnvironmentManagerConsole64.msi
  2. In the drop-down language selector box click the language required.

  3. The Welcome screen is displayed. Click Next.
  4. Read the license agreement, if you accept the terms, select I accept... and click Next.
  5. On the Destination Folder screen, click Next.
  6. On the Console Features screen, select the console you want to install:
    • Personalization
    • Policy

    Select both options to install the combined console (this is the default setting).

  7. Click Next.
  8. On the Ready to Install screen, click Install.
  9. When the Install Complete screen displays, click Finish to exit the installer.

Manually Adding Product Consoles to the Management Server Downloads page

To manually add MSI or MSP files to the Management Server Downloads page, follow the following procedure.

  1. Browse to C:\Program Files\AppSense\Management Center\Server\Web Site\Downloads
  2. Select the appropriate product folder, for example Application Control.
  3. Select the appropriate version folder, for example, or create it if it doesn’t exist.
  4. Copy the MSI or MSP files into the folder.

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